Treatment demand at a high, reports The Private Clinic

Published 16th Mar 2021
Treatment demand at a high, reports The Private Clinic

Almost a third of Britons under the age of 35 would consider having anti-wrinkle injections, found consumer research commissioned by The Private Clinic and The Cosmetic Skin Clinic.

The survey was conducted to find out how consumer attitudes to cosmetic treatments had changed as a result of the pandemic. 50% of those surveyed said had already had or would be prepared to have surgery or a non-invasive treatment to improve their appearance.

One in five claimed that seeing themselves during an online call had convinced them to consider toxin or filler injections; reflected in the 160% spike year on year in the number of bookings for non-surgical procedures that The Private Clinic saw at the end of the first lockdown in 2020. The clinic also reported a three-month waitlist for breast surgery as of 1 February 2021.

A third of respondents also said they would try a skin-rejuvenation treatment like microneedling or radiofrequency, while a further 32% said they would have a skin-tightening treatment on their face or body; and a quarter of women asked would consider fillers in their lips, jawline or cheeks. 44% said they would have laser hair removal and 31% would have liposuction.

Valentina Petrone, group managing director for The Private Clinic, said: “Our research clearly shows that consumers are wanting cosmetic procedures in greater quantities than previously seen. This is a trend we have seen for some years now, as people invest more in self-care and self-improvement, to boost confidence and their overall wellbeing. The pandemic doesn’t seem to have changed that – quite the opposite, we have seen a surge in demand.

“It is also reassuring to read that the main motivator for people is wanting to preserve their looks as opposed to wanting to transform themselves.”

Read Dr Catharine Denning's advice on devising treatment plans to address the signs of lockdown on patients' faces once clinics re-open. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 16th Mar 2021

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