BCAM launches branding re-vamp and new website

Published 19th Jul 2021
BCAM launches branding re-vamp and new website

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) has unveiled new branding to mark its 20th anniversary, including a new website and modernised logo. 

The College launched the updates to members and press at a virtual event on 8 July, explaining that the project is part of its strategy for growth and development and “an important step towards modernising the organisation and improving its processes and procedures”. 

This includes bringing everything online in one central location, such as members’ certificates, event bookings and membership details; with the aim of making it simpler for them to find what they need. 

The new site also now provides information to the public on safety in aesthetics and how to access properly trained and experienced practitioners for treatment. 

Dr Aggie Zatonska, BCAM trustee for PR and international relations, said: “BCAM is really leading the way with this new website and members will notice a big difference in the way they interact with the College online. They can access all their certificates, event bookings and membership details with a single click – it really is that simple!BCAM is forging ahead with its international relationships and this new website and logo will be instantly recognisable around the world. We’re future-proofing BCAM for the next 20 amazing years.”

Meanwhile, BCAM’s new logo – the first and only change in 20 years – is designed to represent the knowledge of some of the College’s oldest members, who were pioneers of aesthetic medicine in the UK. 

It took 18 months to complete and involved several creative teams including Light Media. BCAM trustees and members also had their say in the design.  

BCAM company secretary Dr Phillip Dobson commented: “BCAM has worked consistently over the years to raise standards in aesthetic medicine and to educate the public, and these elements are recognised in BCAM’s new logo. 

“The College’s founders are still very active, offering advice and support to new members and promoting excellence in the field of aesthetic medicine, so we’re delighted to be joined by them to celebrate this significant milestone.”


In March, BCAM introduced a Mindfulness Initiative for its members to help with their mental health.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 19th Jul 2021

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