Alumier Europe Limited looking to expand globally

Published 21st Nov 2017 by PB Admin
Alumier Europe Limited looking to expand globally

Alumier Labs launched the cosmeceutical skincare line, AlumierMD, into the United Kingdom in early 2016. Following a successful launch and expansion across the entire United Kingdom, Alumier Labs are excited to announce that they are looking to expand globally.


“We could not have anticipated just how well received AlumierMD was received in the UK aesthetics market. A year in and we are able to look at other global opportunities for our brand.” says an Alumier Labs Spokesperson. “After looking at several marketplaces we are mostly excited about what the European and Asian industries offer.”


Alumier Labs is currently available in England, Ireland, Scotland and Canada and is dispensed exclusively through the medical spa and dermatology sector.


Alumier Labs have not announced expansion dates, however, they predict that within 24-36 months they will have launched within the rapidly growing markets of Asia and Europe.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 21st Nov 2017


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