Fast-track pathway to JCCP register now an option for practitioners

Published 10th May 2021
Fast-track pathway to JCCP register now an option for practitioners

Aesthetic practitioners who want to be accepted onto the JCCP (Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners) register can now do so via an officially recognised fast track course.

The JCCP Fast Track Assessment from online learning platform Learna has been developed alongside the JCCP to enable more practitioners to be able to join Part One of its Practitioner Register, which requires practitioners to undertake a formal qualification to demonstrate their knowledge, skill and competence in cosmetic medicine to achieve full and unconditional registration.

The Fast Track Assessment gives a more affordable and quicker route to the register, as opposed to Cosmetic Medicine PgCert, PgDip and other related postgraduate or Level 7 vocational programmes.

The Assesment results in the award of a formally recognised equivalent verification standard that equates to the JCCP Level 7 education and training standard for the injection of toxins and for the insertion of dermal fillers.

Practitioners undergo two components; a three-hour theoretical exam testing practitioner knowledge, and an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) which tests clinical skills and competence.

Learna is the only approved educational provider in the UK to deliver the exam part of the assessment.

Professor David Sines CBE, chair of the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners, said: “The concept of the Fast Track Assessment Centre was envisaged in 2018 and has always been central to the JCCP’s strategy to provide accomplished and experienced health care regulated practitioners with a more accessible entry route to enable them to achieve entry to the Council’s Practitioner Register.

“Practitioners who successfully complete both parts of the Fast Track Assessment Centre assessment process will be able to demonstrate equivalence and full compliance with the JCCP and CPSA’s Level 7 standards for the injection of toxins and for the insertion of dermal fillers in accordance with our published standards and competence frameworks. This new development heralds a new era for the enhancement of public safety in the UK.”

The first assessment dates for the Fast Track Assessment will take place at the end of June. Practitioners can apply here.


Registration is open for AML 2021 this July. Book your conference pass now.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 10th May 2021

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