Safety a top priority for Brits seeking treatments post-lockdown

Published 10th Jun 2020
Safety a top priority for Brits seeking treatments post-lockdown

Covid-19 is not a barrier to people wanting cosmetic procedures but safety is their number one priority, according to a survey by Save Face. 

Out of the 2,352 members of the public who responded, 98% said that they wanted a non-surgical cosmetic treatment once lockdown restrictions were lifted, however, almost all deemed safety measures, including hand washing (99%) and PPE (100%), to be “essential” in order for them to proceed.

As well as this, 94% said they would prefer remote online consultations to continue to reduce contact time and 95% said it was important they were treated by a healthcare practitioner who had a thorough understanding on infection control. In addition, 86% agreed that thorough health screening of patients was crucial.  

Save Face Info Graphic

An exclusive survey by Aesthetic Medicine has revealed that 60% of aesthetic clinics and independent practitioners will offer a reduced or altered menu of treatments when they reopen following lockdown. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 10th Jun 2020

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