Dr Harry Singh releases complications resource folder

The director of the Botulinum Toxin Club, Dr Harry Singh, has released a new complications resource folder.
The Ultimate Complications Guide: How to Avoid, Diagnose and Treat Complications in Facial Aesthetics provides a step-by-step plan to address toxin, filler or other facial aesthetics medical emergencies confidently and expertly.
It answers questions such as:
- What if something goes wrong?
- What if my patient has a reaction?
- What should I do first?
- How quickly should I treat the complication?
"These questions are often in the back of most aestheticians' minds. Although you don’t want the worst to happen, you do need to be prepared to know what to do, when to do it, and how to address any reactions or complications that may come up", says Dr Singh.
The guide contains 70+ pages of detailed, easy to access action plans to get you the fast answers you need, so you are fully prepared for anything.
"We’ve identified every possible complication you may encounter and have spelled out exactly what steps to follow to both minimise the complication and/or manage it", Dr Sngh adds. "Each page is well designed with easy to read text, so you’re not searching endless for the answers you need to treat a medical emergency."