Microneedling and peels most popular non-invasive treatments

Published 05th Jun 2020
Microneedling and peels most popular non-invasive treatments

The state of the UK beauty and aesthetics industries has been revealed in the National Hair and Beauty Federation’s (NHBF) 2020 Aesthetics Survey.

It found that microneedling and chemical peels are the most commonly provided non-invasive aesthetics treatments. Dermal fillers and botulinum toxin (botox) are the most popular invasive treatments, and mostly performed by medical professionals. 

The NHBF's Aesthetics Survey aims to provide insight to Government on the aesthetics industry by gathering information on the most the popular treatments and who is performing them. 

Dermal fillers and botulinum toxin injections are the most popular invasive treatments, and mostly performed by medical professionals.

Who is performing the most popular non-invasive aesthetic treatments?

223 survey respondents said they perform microneedling treatments on average one to five times per week, highlighting the popularity of this skin rejuvenation service, while 25 said they conduct the service six to 10 times, on average, per week. 

The majority of these treatments are performed by aesthetic therapists (116) – those with a Level 3 beauty qualification and further aesthetics training; followed closely by nurses (86), aesthetic practitioners (48) and Level 3 trained beauty therapists with no additional aesthetics training (33).   

Meanwhile, 200 survey respondents said they perform chemical peels on average one to five times per week, while 38 conduct the service six to 10 times, on average, in the same time period. The report also found that 88 respondents perform microblading one to five times per week.  

Aesthetic therapists who hold a Level 3 beauty qualification as well as aesthetics training perform peel treatments the most, with 114 survey respondents from this group stating they perform the service. This was followed closely by nurses (95), aesthetic practitioners (45) and Level 3 trained beauty therapists (42). 

More experienced and qualified aesthetic therapists (Level 4) are also offering treatments such as plasma pen (said 55 survey respondents), cryolipolysis (45) and laser treatments for tattoo removal (45).

Of those businesses that require medical oversight, more than half (61%) have a medic on-site, more than a quarter (28%) have a medic on call and a smaller number (11%) have a remote medic.

In February, beauty industry association BABTAC asked its members not to provide dermal filler treatments

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 05th Jun 2020

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