How to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture

Published 14th Feb 2023 by PB Admin
How to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture

Sunekos® Performa, exclusively available through their UK distributor, Medfx, is an injectable treatment which gives rise to a renewal of the dermal tissue through regeneration of the extracellular matrix (ECM) using a unique patented combination of hyaluronic acid and specific amino acids which lead to new collagen and elastin production. Collagen and elastin form a large bulk of the ECM. The homeostasis of the ECM is crucial for the optimal functioning of cells and organs and leads to ageing when it is lost in the skin. It can be used to improve the appearance of the skin of the face, neck, décolletage and hands, so it is a very versatile product.

It results in skin that looks plumper, tighter, brighter and more hydrated, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an improvement in the appearance of dark circles and eye bags. It has replaced Sunekos® 200 in the injection protocols, which have been updated recently to reflect the new patented formula within Sunekos® Performa. The updated formula consists of the same six specific amino acids and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HY6AA+ Formula) but in a different ratio of HA vs AA. The new formula has been clinically shown to cause a 40% reduction in the degradation of hyaluronic acid by hyaluronidase through the hydrophobic action of the specific amino acid formula. It has been clinically shown to prolong the beneficial action of hyaluronic acid at the injection site to stimulate receptors on the fibroblasts for longer and produce more collagen IV, elastin and fibronectin, producing more constituents of the ECM, resulting in improved skin elasticity and firmness, further hydration and producing an increased antioxidant action. 

Sunekos® Performa consists of a 3.5ml premixed vial composed of 35 mg of non-crosslinked LMWHA ranging between 50–250kDa and 128 mg of the six specific amino acids. The mixture has been shown to help rebuild the ECM effectively by stimulating the production of elastin, all the main types of reticular collagen fibres of the dermis and Type IV and Type VII collagen. The expression of fibronectin mRNA levels was also found to be increased after 72 hours of treatment compared to untreated cells. The combination of higher amounts of collagen type IV and VII along with fibronectin (the latter plays an important role in cell adhesion and anchoring reticular collagen fibres and cells) leads to an improvement in skin firmness. 

Study method

A pilot study which looked at the effect of Sunekos® Performa on facial skin ageing showed that in 10 female patients aged between 40–67 years old recruited to the study, there was an improvement in skin texture, dyschromia, skin elasticity and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They each claimed not to have had any other aesthetic treatments during the last year. Each patient was injected three times with a two-week gap between treatments. Evaluations were made at baseline and every two weeks before injection. A fourth evaluation was made four weeks after the third treatment session. Each treatment involved being injected with a total of 3.5 ml of the premixed HY6AA+ Formula using the High-Performance Technique (HPT), injecting 0.1ml boluses into the deep dermis over the whole face, including the periocular area and forehead, perpendicular to the natural tension lines of the skin (Langer Lines).  


VISIA analysis of the treated patients showed an overall 71% reduction in the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and a 44% reduction in wrinkles in the periocular area. Skin texture had visibly improved and skin dyschromia due to photo-ageing had improved by 16%. Skin elasticity was assessed via the use of a standardised Pinching Test and the VAS scale was utilised to evaluate the progress of skin tension and elasticity with each treatment. All patients noticed a significant improvement in skin tension and elasticity. According to the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS), all patients noticed an improvement in appearance. After the first treatment, 28% of patients noted a moderate improvement in appearance and the remaining patients noticed a significant improvement in appearance. 

None of the patients reported any worsening or lack of improvement. The study concluded that undergoing treatment with the patented formula HY6AA+ Formula showed an improvement in the texture, colour and firmness of the skin. It was also interesting to note that despite the product being non-crosslinked, the tissue volume had also improved. There were minimal side effects reported and the patients tolerated the treatment very well1.

Sunekos® Performa can be used along with Sunekos® 1200 as part of their injection protocols to treat the face and hands. The protocols vary depending on the problem areas being treated. The higher molecular weight of Sunekos® 1200 acts as a free radical scavenger offering protection to the constituents of the dermis. 

Evaluation after one treatment out of a two-treatment session course (A) Before, and (B) after treatment


I, as a medical aesthetics practitioner, treat patients in clinic with Sunekos® frequently. I use it for patients presenting with signs of ageing over the face, neck, décolletage and hands. What sets it apart from other injectable treatments I am trained in is that it can be used to treat the riskier areas of the forehead and delicate periocular area and that there have not been any reported cases of vascular occlusion with its use so far. I have received great feedback from patients and they often see a benefit after the first treatment, which encourages them to complete the recommended course. I use it frequently in the periocular area and have seen an improvement even in older patients with pseudoherniated orbital fat with a reduced appearance of their ‘eye bags’ after treatment. The product comes as a generous 3.5ml vial, so patients are more satisfied that they are getting value for their money as they can have more problem areas treated with one vial. Despite the large volume of product, it is relatively thin and has low resistance when being injected, so treatments can be carried out quickly and with ease. There is minimal pain on injection and the patient can have numbing cream applied to the skin beforehand if they wish. Downtime is again minimal, and the patient can resume their day as normal other than the usual aftercare. I have noticed superior results in the clinic since using Sunekos® Performa compared to when using their older Sunekos® 200. 

This is a sponsored story in partnership with Med-FX.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 14th Feb 2023

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