Survey reveals impact of double chin on self-perception, behaviour and social perceptions

Published 01st Apr 2017
Survey reveals impact of double chin on self-perception, behaviour and social perceptions

Results of a recent survey commissioned by Allergan have revealed the impact of submental fullness (double chin) on self-perception, behaviour and social perceptions.

47% of respondents reported being bothered by the appearance of the area underneath their chin while 49% said the area negatively impacts their appearance. Nearly half (45%) of respondents felt people noticed the area under their chin and reported altering their behaviour to address their double chin, such as shying away from photos (35%) and avoiding video chats and conference calls (35%). 29% of men also said they had grown a beard to hide the area under their chin, with younger men being more likely to do this than their older peers (n=971). 78% admitted they are more likely to notice a double chin on a woman than a man.

“The results of this survey mimic what I hear from patients on a daily basis – they are bothered by submental fullness and are looking to address the problem. In many cases, the submental fullness is genetic and resistant to diet or exercise,” commented Dr Shannon Humphrey, board-certified dermatologist and co-author of the survey. “These findings will help physicians to better understand the impact a double chin has on patients so we can address the issue and provide them with effective treatment options.”

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 01st Apr 2017

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