This is what the future clinic looks like

Published 02nd Apr 2024

We all know this industry evolves at light speed.

Emerging science, shifts in consumer behaviour and the uncertainty that comes with each economic fluctuation, makes adoption of new tech and additional income streams vital to the success of any clinic. Treating skin takes equal parts precision, intuition, and a fierce dedication to patientcare. Running a successful clinic business, however, requires entrepreneurship, commercial viability, and some smart diversification. If we innovate now, we become the clinics of the future. The revolutionary device powering change

Mission impossible… until now. The Lyma Laser Pro is about to change the clinic landscape and floorspace forever. One device containing three clinic grade, class 3R lasers operating at 808nm and simultaneously emitting 1450mW of coherent, monochromatic laser beam light. Like nothing ever achieved before, the Laser Pro can penetrate 10cm inside the body, through every layer of the skin to the muscle that supports it, lifting and tightening as it goes. Low-level laser therapy capable of significantly increasing collagen and elastin production, the LaserPro fully restores skin’s underlying architecture in an unprecedented reversal of the skin’s ageing process. Fine lines and wrinkles are radically reduced, pigmentation reversed, sagging skin is sculpted, even stretch mark sand scarring fade away. Skin not only looks younger, it is younger.




1. Sparring for space

Providing the ‘best in class’ technology for every skin concern gains the competitive edge, but it also forces treatment prices up and amasses bulky machines that fill treatment rooms. If we invest in powerful devices proven to treat multiple skin concerns and all skin types, we’ll create a smarter treatment offering.

Suddenly the army of expensive, outdated clinic equipment can be upgraded into one sleek, handheld device not even requiring a power cable. The Laser Pro is certified safe and suitable for use on every single client of any skin colour, anywhere on the face or body.

2. The busy patient

Now, more than ever, clients want non-surgical treatments that produce impressive results, with immediate effect and at a time convenient to them. Though not insurmountable, the challenge for us all is to identify treatment plans that meet expectations, fit with demanding lifestyles, and downgrade any downtime.

No heat, no damage, no downtime, the Laser Pro has been engineered safe for use by anyone, opening the possibility of 24/7 skin treatment. Patients can carry out their skin improvement homework between professional course sessions or speed up their post-treatment recovery times themselves at home. The sun need never set on your clinic.

3. Revenue streams

Expert treatments aside, retail offerings need to add true value to patients, complement the existing in-clinic offering and provide a solid sustainable additional income stream

The first ever clinic-grade laser reimagined into a viable additional income stream, The Laser Pro can be used in treatment and retailed directly to the client. From your expert hands to your patient’s, for full circle continued use at home.

 The Lyma Laser Pro is the next frontier of innovation; streamlined, supercharged tech putting your clinic ahead of the game, enabling you and your patients to achieve the flawless skin they seek, together.

This is a sponsored story in association with Lyma.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 02nd Apr 2024

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