Under-18s go to Wales for botulinum toxin treatments

Published 18th Oct 2023

It has been reported by the BBC that under-18s are travelling to Wales for botulinum toxin injections.

Since October 1, 2021, it has been a criminal offence to administer botulinum toxin to a person under 18 in England, after the Botulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Act came into place. This act, however, did not cover Scotland, Ireland, or Wales.

Save Face shared with the BBC that they have received several reports of minors travelling across the border for treatment and that what they’re seeing is "literally the tip of the iceberg." Ashton Collins, director of Save Face, thought it would be a "no brainer" for Wales to follow England’s footsteps after she worked with MP Laura Trott to bring in the act.

The Welsh government has responded and said botulinum toxin is a prescription-only medicine and that it was the responsibility of the qualified prescriber to ensure the product is “given safely and in accordance with accepted professional standards and in the patient's best interests.”

It added: "We are aware that there is a regulatory gap in Wales in relation to these types of procedures and will be doing further work in this important area."

BBC Wales Live called and messaged 10 clinics across Wales to see if they would book in a 17-year-old. None asked for an age before offering an appointment but after being told that the patient was 17, seven declined. Two said they were unsure and would call back, and one clinic permitted the treatment if a parent was present.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 18th Oct 2023

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