New York Laser Clinic undergoes refurbishment

Published 11th Jul 2019
New York Laser Clinic undergoes refurbishment

The New York Laser Clinic, one of the original Laser Clinics to introduce laser hair removal in London, has undergone a fabulous refurbishment. 

Since opening doors in 2004, NYLC quickly became established as an award-winning aesthetics company and has maintained that title for over 15 years, growing a more dedicated and successful client list with every passing year, having now completed over 200,000 treatments.

The company has clinics in Fulham, Baker Street and Bishopsgate, and its treatment options include: laser hair removal, HIFU non-surgical facials aka the ‘no knife facelift’, PRP ‘vampire facelifts’, Pellevé, Clatuu body contouring, skin peels, microneedling and anti-ageing treatments like Botox and filler. 

NY Laser Clinic  

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 11th Jul 2019

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