Penile traction therapy - an alternative to surgery?

Published 04th Jan 2023 by PB Admin
Penile traction therapy - an alternative to surgery?

The study by University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, featured in the Journal of Urology, found that men of all ages can remove or reduce the curve on their penises without an operation.

A total of 82 men with an average age of 58 underwent the penile traction therapy process, which lasted six months and resulted in a curve-reduction and changes in the length of the stretched penis.

Participants enhanced their penis length by 0.3 to 1.6 centimeters, and erectile function significantly improved. The participants also reported increased satisfaction during intercourse and overall sexual satisfaction.

The concluding report from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center stated that most men in penile traction therapy reported satisfaction or improvement in penis length and that side effects were temporary and mild. 87% would choose to repeat the treatment, and 93% would recommend it to others.

Danish Jes-Extender has manufactured penile traction therapy equipment for more than 20 years.

"A curved penis is a rather widespread problem all over the world, and in the worst cases it makes it impossible to perform in bed," said Jes-Extender chief executive Jes Bech Müller. "Surgery is a drastic measure and complications can occur afterwards. Our product has proved very effective when it comes to curing and minimizing the problem, while the penis is enhanced and becomes thicker."

UK online sex shop Lovehoney also reported an increasing interest in straightening the penis. "With the ‘double effect’ of extending as well as straightening, we have noticed an increased demand for penis extenders in the UK," said Lovehoney buyer Jo Hall.

58 year old Kevin Davis from Edinburgh used a penis enlarger for around 200 days, for five hours daily on average. Starting out with a length of eight centimetres flaccid and 12 centimetres erect, he now measures 10 centimetres flaccid, and 16 centimetres erect.

"Despite growing older and having a partner, my insecurities never left me," said Davis. "With my partner’s helpful support, I decided to go through with it. I thought: no pain - no gain. I had nothing to lose, and if I gained anything, it would be a bonus.

"I went from being below average to above average, and now I no longer have any inhibitions. I feel so much more confident and better about myself."

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 04th Jan 2023

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