Survey reveals surge in pre-wedding toxin treatment for men

Published 19th Jun 2024 by Michelle Duffield

Recent research finds that men surpass women in getting aesthetics procedures for their big day.

In a surprising twist on pre-wedding preparations, a national survey conducted by Dr Imran Sayed, dentist and partner at Chelsea and Fulham Dentist, reveals a growing trend where more men than women are opting for pre-wedding botulinum toxin treatments to look their best on their big day.

The survey highlights a significant shift in cosmetic procedure trends within the UK, showing that while traditionally associated with women, more men are now seeking botulinum toxin to ensure a wrinkle-free look for their wedding photos. Notably, one in 20 men are undergoing this procedure as part of their wedding prep, compared to one in 25 women.

Key survey findings:

  • Secrecy surrounding botulinum toxin: Men are notably more secretive about their botulinum toxin treatments. Nearly one in four women (23%) openly share their botulinum toxin experiences, whereas only 8% of men do the same.
  • Willingness to consider botulinum toxin: Over half of the men surveyed (52%) are open to having botulinum toxin at some point in their lives.  
  • Generation variations: Nearly three out of four (73%) under 34s admit they are willing to try the procedure, compared to only 32% of those over 55.
  • Dentists offering botulinum toxin: Despite the growing interest, a staggering 90% of the public is unaware that many dentists offer botulinum toxin and similar cosmetic services.

Dr Sayed commented, “The survey brings to light the intriguing trend of men increasingly turning to botulinum toxin. Although many keep it a secret, the rising acceptance indicates a significant cultural shift. Additionally, it's surprising how few are aware that dentists, as medical professionals who use syringes on a daily basis, are perfectly placed to provide this service safely and effectively.”

Chelsea and Fulham Dentist, a dental practice in South West London, provides a wide range of non-dental cosmetic procedures, including botulinum toxin alongside traditional dental services such as teeth whitening, straightening, and cosmetic dentistry.

For more information, visit the Chelsea and Fulham Dentist Website.

Michelle Duffield

Michelle Duffield

Published 19th Jun 2024

Michelle is the editorial assistant to Aesthetic Medicine magazine.


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