Shining light on skin concerns

Published 03rd Dec 2024

Considering the LED advantage in combination therapies.

Advancements in LED technology have led to enhanced treatments and improvements in patient comfort, enabling clinicians to offer effective photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photodynamic cosmetic therapy (PDCT) solutions.

Blue Light (420 nm): Kills acne-causing bacteria, suppresses sebaceous gland production, and reduces inflammation.

Green Light (520 nm): Targets the skin’s surface layers, providing anti-inflammatory benefits and aids tissue regeneration and wound healing by promoting the formation of new blood vessels. In addition, green light helps reduce redness and enhance overall skin health.

Yellow Light (590 nm): Penetrates the upper layers of the skin, boosts ATP formation to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin via fibroblast activation. This helps manage pigmentation issues, reduce redness, and promotes overall skin rejuvenation. 

Red Light (633 nm): Enhances collagen and elastin production, reduces collagen breakdown, and promotes wound healing. It’s effective for anti-aging, inflammatory skin presentations, and pigmentation concerns.

Near Infrared Light (830 nm): Stimulates cellular regeneration, accelerates wound healing, and has demonstrated the potential to promote faster muscle recovery.

Combine and Complement

MediLUX delivers these five precise wavelengths with optimal power output, ensuring safe, effective, and consistent results across several in-clinic applications. The wavelengths can be used alone or combined with in-clinic treatments like IPL for pigmentation, boosting results and offering wellness benefits. LED also complements facials, peels, injectables, and body contouring, making it a great addition to post-treatment care.

The Essential and Perfect Partner

With the addition of green and yellow light, MediLUX is the ideal LED device for comprehensive treatment plans. It further expands its repertoire of offerings with the options of PDT and PDCT therapies. 

To unlock the potential of your clinic with MediLUX, get in touch by emailing [email protected]



Published 03rd Dec 2024

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